What does the herb Tribulus terrestris contain?

Tribulus is widespread across several continents. Due to the specific characteristics of the climate and soil, which depend largely on geographical latitude, the composition of the herb can vary significantly.Bulgarian Tribulus stands out from its relatives due to its unique composition and is renowned worldwide for this reason.The active components of this herb include groups of biologically active chemical compounds - flavonoids, flavonol acids and their glycosides, steroidal saponins, and alkaloids.The rich range of substances, which are characteristic only of the native herb, determine its diverse properties.

Benefits of taking Tribulus terrestris extract for women's health.

The herb is well-known and commonly used in Bulgarian folk medicine due to its numerous beneficial properties that affect various aspects of human health.It is equally popular in traditional Chinese medicine as well as Indian Ayurveda.The most well-known qualities of the herb are related to its role in improving sexual health and fertility. Both in the past and the present, it is widely used as an aphrodisiac.

Benefits of Tribulus for hormonal balance.

One of the most significant benefits of the herbal extract from this plant is its ability to regulate hormonal balance.Studies suggest that the active substances with a steroid nature can regulate estrogen and testosterone levels in women. These are especially important for maintaining good reproductive health, a regular menstrual cycle, and the overall well-being of women.Balancing and stabilizing hormones in women can also have a number of other beneficial effects. Tribulus terrestris may help reduce the severity of symptoms related to hormonal imbalance.These include:Irregular menstrual cycleSudden mood swings without apparent reasonInsomnia, and others

Benefits of Tribulus for women's libido

Science has proven that taking Tribulus terrestris cannot significantly increase testosterone levels in men, despite its positive effect on male libido.Contrary to this, however, it is suggested that Tribulus extract leads to an increase in testosterone levels in women. This sex hormone, typically associated with men, also plays an important role in women. Testosterone is largely responsible for female libido.In this way, scientists explain the herb's pronounced aphrodisiac effect. Tribulus terrestris extract leads to an increase in female libido and arousal, and enhances satisfaction from sexual activity. In this way, it improves overall sexual health.

Benefits of Tribulus for female fertility

Екстрактът от бабини зъби може да предостави естествено решение при проблеми с плодовитостта и зачеването. Според някои проучвания, активните вещества могат да стимулират овулацията и да подобрят репродуктивните функции. Трибулус поддържа хормоналния баланс и функцията на яйчниците, като по този начин увеличава шансовете за зачатие при жени, които опитват да забременеят.

Benefits of Tribulus during menopause

Menopause is a natural stage in a woman's life that can trigger a number of unpleasant symptoms, which can vary in severity and type.The symptoms often include:Hot flashesMood swingsVaginal drynessInsomniaAnxietyApathyTribulus for women is recommended at the first signs of approaching menopause as a supportive measure in dealing with the unpleasant symptoms associated with this physiological condition.It is believed that once again, Tribulus’s ability to modulate hormone levels is responsible for alleviating menopausal symptoms.The herb possesses adaptogenic properties and supports the female body in adapting to the new hormonal homeostasis, thereby reducing the severity of its unpleasant effects.

Benefits for the cardiovascular system of women after menopause

Tribulus terrestris has an anti-atherogenic effect, meaning it reduces the chance of developing atherosclerosis and can also help normalize blood pressure. This beneficial effect applies to both genders, and although the mechanisms by which the extract suppresses the formation of atherosclerotic plaques are complex, they have been scientifically proven.The active substances found in the herb have a strong antioxidant effect.Oxidative stress plays a key role in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis by stimulating lipid peroxidation, endothelial dysfunction, and the inflammatory response of the arterial wall. The antioxidant potential of the Tribulus herb reduces oxidative stress levels, which has a protective effect against endothelial damage. In this way, Tribulus inhibits the early stages of atherosclerosis.Chronic inflammation is a major component in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Tribulus extract has anti-inflammatory properties, expressed in the modulation of inflammatory molecules called cytokines. Additionally, experimental data suggest that Tribulus supports endothelial function (the functioning of the inner lining of the arterial wall) by stimulating the synthesis of nitric oxide.Improvement in endothelial condition blocks the adhesion (attachment) of white blood cells to the vessels, which are a key participant in the process of atherosclerotic plaque deposition.The facts mentioned so far about the benefits of Tribulus terrestris for the cardiovascular system cover entire stages of disease development.Evidence of the herb's holistic effect on the cardiovascular system is also its antithrombotic activity. The extract has an anti-aggregant effect, meaning it prevents the clumping of platelets and the formation of mural thrombi.What is specific here is that women of reproductive age suffer from cardiovascular diseases and their complications at a much lower rate compared to men. However, after entering menopause, the percentage ratio between women and men equalizes. The reason for this is the cardioprotective effect of estrogen, which protects the heart from disease.Therefore, taking Tribulus extract, through its modulating effect on hormones, reduces the chance of developing cardiovascular pathology in women after menopause.

Benefits for the bone system of women after menopause

Apart from heart health, another aspect of women's health that often deteriorates rapidly is the health of the musculoskeletal system, particularly the strength and resilience of the bone system.Estrogen, the predominant hormone in women of reproductive age, sharply decreases after entering menopause. In addition to its cardioprotective effect, estrogen is also responsible for maintaining bone density.This is why postmenopausal women suffer much more frequently from a condition called osteoporosis compared to fertile women or men. Osteoporosis involves the progressive reduction of bone density, leading to bone pain, increased fragility, and fractures without significant cause.According to studies, regular intake of high-quality Tribulus Terrestris extract may slow down the processes of bone degradation in women, thereby significantly improving quality of life.

Benefits for women engaged in sports activities

Athleticism is not a quality exclusive to men. Tribulus terrestris can enhance the athletic performance of female athletes as well.Some studies suggest that the herb may improve endurance, strength, and recovery processes. Tribulus boosts energy levels, and its adaptogenic properties enhance the body's ability to adapt to more intense and new physical exertions.In this way, the herb can help athletes achieve their goals more effectively.

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